Bella Quattro Strings

Standard Terms and Conditions
Term 1 - Tuesday 18 Feb to Friday 11 April
Term 2 - Wednesday 30 Apr to Friday 4 July
Term 3 - Tuesday 22 Jul to Friday 26 Sept
Term 4 - Tuesday 14 Oct to Friday 12 Dec
Students are booking Stephanie’s professional time each week and such need to commit to regular attendance.
Students commit to a term of lessons between 10 - 11 consecutive weeks in duration.
Students will be assigned a specific lesson time each week in accordance with both teacher and parent/student schedules.
Once a lesson time is selected, this becomes your lesson slot and will not be moved or cancelled without appropriate notice.
The last 5 minutes of each lesson is allocated to teacher note writing whilst the student packs away their violin. This ensures a timely transition between students.
Billing and payment
Lessons will be billed in advance.
Full payment is due on or prior to the 1st lesson in each term.
Payment reserves a students lesson slot each week.
Lessons will only proceed once full payment has been received.
There will be no refund of fees.
Payments can be made by direct transfer or through an online management system called My Music Staff which accepts credit card payments.
A credit card fee of 1.75% will be charged for payments made using a credit card.
Current fees per lesson:
30 minute lesson: $75.00/lesson
45 minute lesson: $110.00/lesson
60 minute lesson: $150.00/lesson
Cancellations and Make ups
No credits or refunds are offered for lessons cancelled by the student.
If the teacher cancels a lesson, the fees for that lesson will be applied towards the next block of instruction, or alternatively, a make up lesson scheduled in place of the cancelled lesson.
Make ups are only offered under exceptional circumstances such as illness and are based on availability. Therefore, they are not guaranteed.
A maximum of 2 lessons may be made up within the current term of enrolment.
At least 24 hours notice must be given in order for these lessons to be made up.
Lessons cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged with no make-up credit issued.
Student cancellation of a makeup forfeits the lesson.
Makeups will not be carried forward to the next block of instruction.
If the student or their household contacts have had any exposure to Covid-19, or displayed Covid-19 symptoms, in person lessons will be cancelled and offered via the zoom video platform as an alternative.
Performance opportunities
It is advisable that students seek their teacher’s permission before accepting performing engagements or recital work.
Parental/Guardian attendance
Parental/Guardian attendance is required for the duration of each lesson until it has been determined by the teacher that the child is capable of working independently.
Student's siblings present during lessons must be supervised by their parent/guardian at all times to minimize distraction.
Punctual attendance is required to ensure lesson time allocation is maximized.
Practice expectations
Daily practice should last approximately 15 minute longer than the length of the lesson. Eg: 30 minute lesson requires 45 minutes practice per day.
For more advanced students (Suzuki Volumes 4 & up), and those who are members of chamber ensembles and orchestras, extra time will need to be allocated to home practice sessions.
Parental involvement at home is essential. Even if parents are not musically trained, just being present to keep their child on task and to make sure they are doing everything on their assignment list is extremely helpful. There is a noticeable difference when parents are actively involved in their child’s practice time.
Establishing practice sessions in a routine manner like brushing your teeth at the same time each day makes practice an expectation rather than an option in the students eyes.
Mobile: 0490 080 154
Email: steph.brown at
Although every endeavor will be made to produce excellence in musical skills and standards according to the student’s abilities, in the final analysis, professional advancement and success depends not only on the teacher’s input but also on the student's own initiative, diligence and general intellectual caliber.
Please sign below to confirm you have read, and agree to Bella Quattro Strings above standard terms and conditions.
Please note that by enrolling in a block of instruction you agree to the above Terms and Conditions.